Le but:
- faire apparaitre une fenêtre modale
- avoir autre chose qu'un simple textField
- choisir l'icône
L'appel se fait par le code suivant :
icon = shared.ITMATION.gui.getIconFromImageManagement('Builtin/icons/48/camera2.png') options = ['Python','Java','C#','C','Ruby','Pascal','Assembly','Javascript'] print shared.ITMATION.gui.listBox(message = 'What is the best language?', title = 'Select an Option', icon = icon, defaultSel = options[0], options = options)
Les fonctions 'shared.ITMATION.gui' sollicitées sont :
def listBox(message = 'What is the best language?',title = 'Select an Option', icon = None, defaultSel = '', options = None): from javax.swing import JOptionPane jop = JOptionPane() messageType = -1 if options ==None: options = ['Python','Java','C#','C','Ruby','Pascal','Assembly','Javascript'] bestLang = jop.showInputDialog(None,message,title,messageType,icon,options,defaultSel) return bestLang def getIconFromImageManagement(iconPath): from java.net import URL from javax.swing import ImageIcon from javax.imageio import ImageIO try: imagePath = system.tag.read("[System]Client/Network/GatewayAddress").value+"/system/images/" + iconPath url = URL(imagePath) image = ImageIO.read(url) return ImageIcon(image) except: return None
Plus d'info sur : https://imss-www.upmf-grenoble.fr/prevert/Prog/Java/swing/JOptionPane.html
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